Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This "Baton-Wielder" is Ready to Go!

Now that 2010 is winding down, I am contemplating the year behind me and the year ahead.

Taylor and I had an outstanding year. Taylor sold a 4-book series (look for her first Hello Gorgeous! book, Blowout, on Amazon or in a store near you April 14), and I landed a great job as an Army Officer-Conductor. We both enjoyed great health, exciting trips to beautiful places, and fun times together. We had a wonderful Christmas in Astoria and stayed warm in our apartment during this week's great blizzard. I got the coolest Christmas gift ever from my sister- and brother-in-law: an army bicycle jersey. I feel very "hoo-ah" in it, and can't wait to wear it on a long bike ride in the spring.

For me, most of of 2011 will be spent in Army training. Many friends and family members have asked me if I'm nervous about going to Basic Training. The answer is, "No." I love physical and mental challenges, so I can't wait to go to Basic Training and Officer Candidate School. My feelings on the subject can be summed up in this short video from the movie Bolt:

In all seriousness, though, Taylor and I are thrilled about what's in store for us. Taylor will spend most of 2011 in NYC without me, but the excitement and anticipation of what comes next is palpable. We are enjoying as much time together right now as we can, so I can go away for a few months and we can be reunited as Army officer and author. It will be tough, of course, but the reward is going to be amazing. I am ready to go!

Here are some excerpts from a news article that appeared about me in the NY Daily News:

Queens baton-wielder to be military maestro for 22 U.S. Army Band officers

Friday, December 24th 2010

This Queens conductor has already proven he's a maestro with a baton, but for his next gig he'll have to show he can hold his own with a rifle as well.

Silas Nathaniel Huff has been chosen as one of an elite group of 22 U.S. Army Band officers. After a rigorous seven-month audition process, Huff will soon conduct one of the Army's six largest bands.

"It's such a prestigious job, and it's such a huge honor," Huff said.

In May, Huff, 37, was asked to guest conduct the Army Band at Fort Meyer, Va. He was almost immediately offered the job. But...Huff went through a whirlwind of fitness tests, interviews and a background check before being accepted into Officer Candidate School.

"We're not just hiring someone to be a conductor," said Col. Thomas Palmatier, commander and conductor of the U.S. Army Field Band. "We're looking for a leader, a manager - someone who wants to be a soldier in addition to being a fine conductor."

Last year, Army bands performed 27,000 free concerts for more than 27 million people, Palmatier said. More than 1,200 Army Band soldiers performed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"It's really kind of a dream job." [said Huff.]

On Feb. 1, he will be shipped off to 10 weeks of basic training at Fort Benning, Ga. Then there's another 12 weeks of Officer Candidate School.

"I've heard that [Basic Training] very physically and mentally challenging," said Huff..."I might be the oldest guy in the class," he said. "I plan on running circles around the young guys."

Read the whole article


Steven L. Rosenhaus said...

"I've heard that [Basic Training] very physically and mentally challenging," said Huff..."I might be the oldest guy in the class," he said. "I plan on running circles around the young guys."

--Really asking for ribbing, Silas....(grin) Best of luck!

--Steven Rosenhaus

Silas Huff said...

I'm assuming (hoping) none of the drill sergeants and my fellow trainees have read my blog...